Variable, Inc التطبيقات

NODE+Motion 0.4.4
Variable, Inc
About NODE:At Variable, Inc. we make sensory platforms that connect appsandsmart devices to the real world, in new ways.NODE is a handheld, wireless, sensor platform that istransforminghow we gather, process and use sensory data from theworld aroundus. Combining advanced motion-sensing technologywithinterchangeable sensor modules to stream real-time informationtoany smart device.Please see our website at formoreinformation.
Color Inspect 1.5.2
Variable, Inc
The solution to creating, validating andinspecting colors in manufacturing. The Color Inspect app assistsproduction personnel, product designers and brand managers ensurethat color standards are verified through the production process.The app paired with our NODE+chromaPro scanning device assists tohold products to manufacturing standards.Color Inspect gives manufacturers the:* Ability to create multiple standards and samples within aproduct* Capability to create standards within a process* Set # of required scans for creating a standard* Set # of required scans for inspection (scan against astandard)* ∆E type – CIE2000, CMC 1 : 1, CMC 2 : 1, CIE 1994 (graphic arts),or CIE 1994 (textile)* Inspection ∆E tolerance* Illuminant – D50 or D65* Logs all history of previous scans and standards forreferenceThis app provides a color inspection system that can beintegrated throughout supply chains. The Color Inspect systemchanges the way modern color management systems operate. Thecompact size and mobility of the device paired with the app allowfor easy collection and identification of color.Validate The ColorsThe Color Inspect system can differentiate colors the human eyeisn’t able to. Our technology can be broken down into threeessential components. The NODE+chromaPro is a revolutionaryhardware breakthrough, which offers the functionality to gather awide variety of sensory and environmental data. The Color Inspectapp paired with the hardware gives the colorimeterfunctionality.Inspect The ProcessKeep the production process moving and catch defects faster. ColorInspect plays a huge role is defining the standard of color used onproducts. It also keeps those products within a certain ∆E range ofthe standard. The NODE paired with the Color Inspect app brings anefficient solution to supply chain and production processes.Visit to learn more about the Color Inspectsystem. If you have questions Variable Inc.As its name suggests, Variable Inc. designs and manufactures sensorsystems that measure changes in our environment and transmit thedata wirelessly to smart phones and other smart devices in easilyunderstood graphics.  Based in Chattanooga, Tenn., Variablemakes interchangeable sensor packages that accurately measurecolor, humidity, temperature, barometric pressure, magnetic fields,acceleration and other data. The brainchild of former NASA engineerGeorge Yu, Variable has commercialized technology developed for theDepartment of Homeland Security to streamline workflow forbusinesses ranging from interior design to home construction.
NODE+ Clima 0.1.8
Variable, Inc
About NODE+climaMaking real climate digital, and digital climate real.For home professionals, analysts, gardeners, agriculturalscientists and educators, atmospheric data is only as good as it isuseful. NODE+clima is a versatile climate sensor that can measurehumidity, temperature, light level, and barometric pressure.The magic is in the module.NODE+clima records temperature, pressure, and light variations, andthe attached NODE+ platform sends information wirelessly with yoursmart device.With a temperature range of -40 to +85 C°, 0.1 C° resolution ,barometric pressure -500 to +9,000 meter above sea level range,0.25 meter resolution, humidity 10%-90% relative humidity, +/- 3%accuracy, and light 0.25 lx (full moon light at night) to 16,000 lx(full daylight), 0.25 lx resolution, and Bluetooth connection tosmart devices, NODE+clima makes reading atmospheric conditionstruly mobile.+ This application requires an iPhone 4s (or newer) or an iPad 3(or newer), an iPad Mini, or Android Samsung S3 & S4 phones,and a NODE sensor device with a NODE+clima module.About NODE:At Variable, Inc. we make sensory platforms that connect apps andsmart devices to the real world, in new ways.NODE is a handheld, wireless, sensor platform that is transforminghow we gather, process and use sensory data from the world aroundus. Combining advanced motion-sensing technology withinterchangeable sensor modules to stream real-time information toany smart device.Please see our website at for moreinformation.
N+luma 0.4.0
Variable, Inc
About NODE+luma Making real light digital, and digital light real.For home professionals, hikers, bikers, and outdoor enthusiasts,lighting is only as good as it is useful. NODE+luma is aprogrammable LED flashlight. The magic is in the module. NODE+lumais a customizable LED flashlight, and the attached NODE+ platformsends information wirelessly with your smart device. With eight5000K white LEDs, NODE+luma allows you to customize your lightsettings by using one or all of the 8 high brightness LEDs, choosefrom 3 programmed flash patterns, and has over 50,000 hour bulblife. NODE+luma makes custom lighting truly mobile. + Thisapplication requires an iPhone 4s (or newer) or an iPad 3 (ornewer), an iPad Mini, or Android Samsung S3 & S4 phones, and aNODE sensor device with a NODE+luma module. About NODE: AtVariable, Inc. we make sensory platforms that connect apps andsmart devices to the real world, in new ways. NODE is a handheld,wireless, sensor platform that is transforming how we gather,process and use sensory data from the world around us. Combiningadvanced motion-sensing technology with interchangeable sensormodules to stream real-time information to any smart device. Pleasesee our website at for more information.
N+chroma 2.1.0
Variable, Inc
About NODE+chromaMaking real color digital, and digital color real.For designers, manufacturers, retailers, and end users, a colorisonly as good as it is useful. NODE+chroma scans surface colorintoiOS and Android apps. For accurate matching, qualitycontrol,specification, and more, regardless of lightingconditions.The magic is in the module.NODE+chroma uses a special end-cap and LED light to computetruesRGB, CIE L*a*b*, and Hex values, regardless of ambient light.Whencolor information is tested against MacBethColor-CheckerCalibration Target (measured under temperature 24°C ±2°C ) thereis better than 0.80 deltaE reading to readingconsistency.With a measurement area of 1.9 cm2, a measurement timeofapproximately (1) second, and Bluetooth connection tosmartdevices, NODE+chroma makes color scanning and communicationtrulymobile. The color graphic displayed on iOS or Android deviceis anapproximate representation; specific color information isattainedvia numeric color data transmitted. Color collection andscanhistory are stored on the smart device.+ This application requires an iPhone 4s (or newer) or an iPad3(or newer), an iPad Mini, or Android Samsung S3 & S4phones,and a NODE sensor device with a NODE+chroma module.
NODE+ Therma 1.0
Variable, Inc
About NODE+thermaMaking real temperature digital, and digital temperaturereal.For chefs, repairmen, engineers, temperature is only as good asitis useful. NODE+therma can measure surface temperature fromadistance of up to 15 feet.The magic is in the module.NODE+therma uses two red LED aiming lights to take readingswithaccuracy, and the attached NODE+ platform sendsinformationwirelessly to your smart device.With a temperature range of -70 to 380 °C /-94 to 716 ° , 0.1 degC°accuracy over time, and a measurement time of approximately(1)second, and Bluetooth connection to smart devices,NODE+thermamakes reading temperature truly mobile.The app features the ability to create photos overlaidwithtemperature data, as well as record a series of readings thatcanbe renamed and e-mailed.+ This application requires an iPhone 4s (or newer) or an iPad3(or newer), an iPad Mini, or Android Samsung S3 & S4phones,and a NODE sensor device with a NODE+therma module.About NODE:At Variable, Inc. we make sensory platforms that connect appsandsmart devices to the real world, in new ways.NODE is a handheld, wireless, sensor platform that istransforminghow we gather, process and use sensory data from theworld aroundus. Combining advanced motion-sensing technologywithinterchangeable sensor modules to stream real-time informationtoany smart device.Please see our website at formoreinformation.
MeasureColor 7.3.3
Variable, Inc
Modern Color Matching – Scan a color and find products that match
CMG Color 7.0.7
Variable, Inc
The COLOR MUSE app assists consumers, DIYersand professionals, such as interior designers, architects, paintcontractors and material specifiers, streamline the color selectionprocess.Scan color, find products that match, coordinate and complement.Color referencing, collecting, organizing and sharing has neverbeen easier and more efficient. Pair with our $49 COLOR MUSEscanning device for increased functionality and color collecting inthe field.COLOR MUSE offers:• Instant color match to exact colors* Paint, carpet, flooring, tile, apparel, accessories &more• Speed up the color selection process• Share color palettes with friends, clients & colleagues• Material & paint libraries on your mobile device• Cross reference colors between brands & materialsColor referencing, collecting, organizing and sharing has neverbeen easier, more accurate and more efficient.A Color Reference System of a Different ColorThe COLOR MUSE system changes the way modern color managementsystems operate. The compact size and mobility allow for easycollection and identification of color, which is critical, as youmay never know when a color will inspire you. The COLOR MUSE systemgives you the ability to match these colors to color and materiallibraries.Making color matching more black and whiteThe COLOR MUSE system can differentiate colors the human eye isn’table to. Our technology can be broken down into three essentialcomponents. The COLOR MUSE device is a revolutionary hardwarebreakthrough, which offers colorimeter functionality.The COLOR MUSE app allows color referencing, selection andinspiration collection to streamline the color selectionprocess.Features:• Scan, store, file and reference colors• Reference scans against color libraries• Scan colors and store them in your custom palettes• Remembers device connections for connecting with ease duringlater usages• Provides paint and material matching for leading U.S. andInternational paint companies• Browse full color libraries of paint and materialmanufacturers• COLOR MUSE offers best color match referencing from physicalcolors• COLOR MUSE helps organize your matched colors into palettes• Attach pictures to your inspirational palettesVisit to learn more about the COLOR MUSEsystem.About Variable Inc.Variable, Inc. is an industry leader in color hardware technology,color mobile app development, digital color referencing andcolor library management across multiple industries throughoutthe world. 
MyNODE 1.0.0
Variable, Inc
About NodeAt Variable, Inc. we make sensory platforms that connect appsandsmart devices to the real world, in new ways.NODE is a handheld, wireless, sensor platform that istransforminghow we gather, process and use sensory data from theworld aroundus. Combining advanced motion-sensing technologywithinterchangeable sensor modules to stream real-time informationtoany smart device.+ This application requires an iPhone 4s (or newer) or anewiPad, Android Samsung S3 & S4 phones, and a NODE device.This app collects and displays sensory data from multipleNodedevices in raw data format as well as chart and visualformats.The magic is in the module.Available sensory data:•Accelerometer•Gyroscope•Magnetometer•Orientation•Ambient temperature•Relative humidity•Ambient light level•Barometric pressure•Temperature taken at a range using the IR thermometer•Ultrasonic range•RGB color reading+ Note: the appropriate sensor modules must be installedtocollect specific types of readings.Please see our website at formoreinformation.
Comex Color Muse 7.2.11
Variable, Inc
The COLOR MUSE app assists consumers, DIYers and professionals,such as interior designers, architects, paint contractors andmaterial specifiers, streamline the color selection process. Scancolor, find products that match, coordinate and complement. Colorreferencing, collecting, organizing and sharing has never beeneasier and more efficient. Pair with our COLOR MUSE scanning devicefor increased functionality and color collecting in the field.COLOR MUSE offers: • Instant color match to exact colors • Paint,carpet, flooring, tile, apparel, accessories & more • Speed upthe color selection process • Share color palettes with friends,clients & colleagues • Material & paint libraries on yourmobile device • Cross reference colors between brands &materials Color referencing, collecting, organizing and sharing hasnever been easier, more accurate and more efficient. A ColorReference System of a Different Color The COLOR MUSE system changesthe way modern color management systems operate. The compact sizeand mobility allow for easy collection and identification of color,which is critical, as you may never know when a color will inspireyou. The COLOR MUSE system gives you the ability to match thesecolors to color and material libraries. Making color matching moreblack and white The COLOR MUSE system can differentiate colors thehuman eye isn’t able to. Our technology can be broken down intothree essential components. The COLOR MUSE device is arevolutionary hardware breakthrough, which offers colorimeterfunctionality. The COLOR MUSE app allows color referencing,selection and inspiration collection to streamline the colorselection process. Features: • Scan, store, file and referencecolors • Reference scans against color libraries • Scan colors andstore them in your custom palettes • Remembers device connectionsfor connecting with ease during later usages • Provides paint andmaterial matching for leading U.S. and International paintcompanies • Browse full color libraries of paint and materialmanufacturers • COLOR MUSE offers best color match referencing fromphysical colors • COLOR MUSE helps organize your matched colorsinto palettes • Attach pictures to your inspirational palettesVisit to learn more about the COLOR MUSEsystem. About Variable Inc. Variable, Inc. is an industry leader incolor hardware technology, color mobile appdevelopment, digital color referencing and colorlibrary management across multiple industries throughout theworld. 
ColorSnap® Match
Variable, Inc
Find paints using a Color Muse & ColorSnap® Match
ColourPin 7.0.7
Variable, Inc
The Selemix ColourPin app assists consumersandprofessionals in matching colors within the Selemix familyofindustrial coatings.Selemix Colourpin offers:• Instant color match to exact colors• Speed up the color selection process• Share color palettes with friends, clients & colleagues• Material & color libraries on your mobile device• Cross reference colorsColor referencing, collecting, organizing and sharing has neverbeeneasier, more accurate and more efficient.
Spectro by Variable
Variable, Inc
Created with frictionless color communication in mind, the SpectroApp connects to the Spectro 1 device, allowing color professionalsto achieve professional-grade color matches and view deep colordata any time, anywhere. About Spectro 1: Spectro 1 is a compact,affordable color measurement tool for accurately measuring andcommunicating color at the professional and industrial level. Usingpatented and patent-pending technology, Spectro 1 is a truespectrophotometer that delivers accuracy and repeatabilitycomparable to expensive bench top spectrophotometers-- for afraction of the price. Features: -scan, match, and compare colors -view spectral curves for scanned colors -achieve exact match withSpectral curve and LAB values -match to fan decks includingSherwin-Williams, Behr, PPG -view matches under four differentlight sources including A, F2, D50, and D65 (Incandescent,fluorescent, horizon, and noon daylight) - include 2 & 10degree observations -store scans and scan data -export scanhistory, inspection history, and saved colors -save and exportspectral curve data in 10 nm increments between 400-700 nm -createand store standards through Saved Colors features -supportsmultiple dE formulas
Variable Color
Variable, Inc
A Color Reference System Like No Other Color referencing andsharinghas never been easier or more efficient. Scan color, findmatchingproducts, coordinate, and complement. The Variable Colorapp assistsconsumers, DIYers and professionals (such as interiordesigners,architects, paint contractors, and material specifiers),streamlinethe color selection process. The Variable Color systemchanged theway modern color management systems operate. Itsmobility allows foreasy color collection and identification, soyou can capture colorwhenever inspiration strikes. With VariableCloud You Can: -Find aninstant color match to exact colors andproducts like paint, carpet,flooring, tile, décor, apparel, andmore -Speed up the colorselection process -Share color paletteswith friends, clients, &colleagues -Explore paint and productlibraries on your mobiledevice -Cross-reference colors betweenbrands & materialsFeatures: -Scan, store, file and referencecolors -Reference scansagainst color libraries -Scan colors andstore to custom palettes-Find paint and material matches forleading U.S. and Internationalpaint companies -Access full colorlibraries from favorite paintbrands
Variable, Inc
Scan Colors - Find TIGER Paints
Wattyl Colour Match
Variable, Inc
Matching color has never been easier with the Wattyl Match App.
Jotun Colourpin
Variable, Inc
your personal colour reader
Color Muse
Variable, Inc
Now Available: Color Muse® + PANTONE® Color Subscription Usersarenow able to access more than 16,500 PANTONE colors directlythroughthe Color Muse® app when they subscribe to a PANTONEColorSubscription in the app. Color Muse Features After connectingyourColor Muse® and Color Muse SE devices via Bluetooth, the ColorMuseapp helps you streamline the color selection process for afaster,more confident color matching experience. No more hasslingwithcumbersome fan decks, paint chips or color swatches. Scancolorsand find products that match, coordinate, and complement.Colorreferencing, collecting, organizing, and sharing has neverbeeneasier or more efficient. With the Color Muse® users can:Matchscanned colors to 500k different products within paint,carpet,flooring, textiles, tile, apparel, wallpaper, accessories,and moreHave access to dozens of brands like Behr, Benjamin Moore,Dulux,PPG, Sherwin-Williams in the palm of your hand Compare twocolorsto see the exact difference between them View Lab, LCH, RGB,andCMYK Save colors and photos in folders on the app for viewinglaterShare saved colors with others through email, text, and moreCrossreference colors between brands and materials Share savedfolderswith other Color Muse users And much more!
Colourpin 10.0.25-min-api-21-arm64-v8a
Variable, Inc
Each colour has a unique NCS notation to describe how thecolourrelates to the four basic colours – yellow, red, blue, andgreen,as well as to black and white – in blackness, whitenessandchromaticness. The NCS code describes the percentage of thecolourthat consists of these different parts. This makes itpossible todescribe the colours of all surface materials and ensurethat thecolours turn out exactly as you want them too. TheColourpin appmakes defining and exploring colours an organized andsimplifiedprocess. Download the new free Colourpin app and startpinningcolours already today! For every colour you pin, you getcolourinformation in the form of the closest NCS notation,translatedinto RGB, L*a*b* and lightness values.
AkzoNobel Connecting Colors
Variable, Inc
Color Matching Made Easy
NCS Colourpin 10.0.24-min-api-21-null
Variable, Inc
The NCS system helps communicate colours in a way thateveryoneunderstands. Each colour has a unique NCS notation todescribe howthe colour relates to the four basic colours – yellow,red, blue,and green, as well as to black and white – in blackness,whitenessand chromaticness. The NCS code describes the percentageof thecolour that consists of these different parts. This makesitpossible to describe the colours of all surface materialsandensure that the colours turn out exactly as you want them too.TheNCS Colourpin app makes defining and exploring colours anorganizedand simplified process. Download the new free NCSColourpin app andstart pinning colours already today! For everycolour you pin, youget colour information in the form of theclosest NCS notation,translated into CMYK, RGB, L*a*b* andlightness values.
Tata Steel Colorcoat
Variable, Inc
Colorcoat® Compass is a digital colour library
Spectro by Variable 11.12.21
Variable, Inc
Connect to Spectro 1 or Spectro 1 Pro to scan, analyze, and savecolors in app.